Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bounty Hunter Inspection

Hello Everybody,

Sorry I haven't blogged for so long, I must have forgot that I had a blog!

OK, here is my latest creation and you might have read the title so I won't need to tell you it. My favourite part about it is all the figures positions.

So I'll give you an example: I like how Bobba Fett is pointing to his spaceship and looking at Darth Vader and then Darth Vader is looking at the spaceship seeing if it would be OK for destroying the rebels.

Heres a couple of things that it can do: You can lift the dome that supports the person from just choking in space and then you can shut it and make it so that some guys can steal it if you want.

OK see you later on my next blogging.


  1. Cool as, Aesop! Look forward to more blog posts soon : )

  2. Thats awesome Aesop! I wish I had a lego Darth Vader!

  3. Hey Aesop you rock my socks, this blog is incredible!

  4. wow, how long did it take you to build that?
    Did Darth Vader reckon it'd be good enough for destroying rebels? it looks mean as to me...

  5. That looks awesome Aesop!

  6. really cool Aesop, good work!

  7. What a fantastic blog Aesop. Can't wait to read your next one :)

  8. You are sure a great blogger. I love the way you explained your creation. You have cool as toys.

  9. Thats really cool. Look forward tomore blogs this year.

  10. hi Aesop. i know your friend caleb. your blog inspired me to make my own blog.
    i made my own spaceship like that once too.

  11. Hi Aesop! I'm Jarvis, I'm posting from my mum's blog :) Your lego is super awesome!!!
